自己整理翻译的,吼吼,心血呀,大家看看对自己的88是否有帮助。要求加精哦~~~以下方法请不要轻易使用,所有观点皆转载自<a href="http://skinverse.com/keloid-treatments-cures-and-home-remedies.html" target="_blank" >http://skinverse.com/keloid-treatments-cures-and-home-remedies.html</A><p>
<P>“If you have any castor oil, it should prevent scarring very well and also make sure the site doesn’t get infected. But I wouldn’t advise on applying ACV right after surgery. It would be better to wait until your wound has scabbed over and closed properly since ACV is very acidic. But if the oils have done their work, then you shouldn’t need ACV at all.”“如果你用荨麻油的话,它能很好的阻止疤痕形成,但你必须确保受伤处没有感染。如果是术后不久,我并不推荐使用苹果醋。你最好等到伤口结痂,或愈合后再使用苹果醋,因为他是酸性的。但如果荨麻油对你有效果的话,就没有使用苹果醋的必要了。”</P>
<P>网友feiga在<a href="http://curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1192755" target="_blank" >http://curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1192755</A> 。 推荐自配wombat,并说他的88完全消失了!“The fact that it is in an oil emulsion probably helps 'hold' the Iodine down (In Derry's article he covers the scars with plastic film). Well, there is definitely a difference there. The keloid-type scars are thinner, more level. And my face as a whole feels different. My pores are smaller, and although I'm getting zits, still AND those blister-type pimples, the bromide ones, there is no scarring AT ALL.”“事实上,需要一种含碘的油状乳液。它的确有效果,疙瘩疤痕全都变薄,变平了。我的脸感觉完全不同了。毛孔变小了,虽然我开始长丘疹了,还有一些些红肿的粉刺,但事实是,脸上完全没有疤了!”</P>
<P> 他自制的油状乳液成分是:</P>
<P>2 oz. castor oil 两盎司的荨麻油<BR>2 oz. avocado oil 两盎司的鳄梨油<BR>2 oz. almond oil两盎司的杏仁油<BR>3 oz. cocoa butter三盎司的椰子油<BR>1 oz. beeswax一盎司的蜂蜡<BR>44 drops(don't ask why, I'm fixated on that number) Lugol's& enough distilled water to add to Lugol's to make 9 oz. ,44滴碘液和足够的水直到凑满9盎司</P>
<P> 2.针对已生成的疙瘩疤痕</P>
<P>方法一:绕线疗法。真人实例:“But I decided to try the string method. I’ve read about some success that a few has using it, and figure I have nothing to lose.Basically I took a draw string and tied it tightly around the keloid.I’m going to keep it on for a week and see what happens. I’m praying that within 2 weeks it’ll fall off.I’ve been tracking my progress and blogging about it on Snapvine.<BR>I pray to God this thing doesn’t get infected. So I’ve been using Vitamin E oil and tea tree oil onthesurrounding skin as well as on the keloid. I’m going on 2 days now with the string around it and the pain is really really bad. But I’m hanging in there.If after 2-weeks this method has failed, I’ll definitely blog about it first and then come here and do a follow up.”“于是我决定尝试绕线疗法。我看过一些使用这种方法后成功的案例,也认为自己试试也没什么损失。基本上,我是取用细绳,紧紧缠绕住疙瘩疤痕。我打算这样绑住一周,再看看结果如何。我祈祷它能在两周之后落下。我一直关注它的状况并在snapvine上写博客记录。我也祈祷它不会感染。所以,我一直用ve油和茶树油涂在皮肤周围和疤上。我才坚持两天,这疤痛的简直要命!但我会坚持的。。。。。”</P>
<p>“I have not so good news. I always knew the string method was painful, but after 3 days of little sleep and excruciating pain, I had to remove the string to see what changes my skin was undergoing. The keloid is very tender and swollen now. In my eyes it looks worse than before To top that of, the skin surrounding the keloid was rubbed RAW. It is so painful that my eyes often fill with tears.” “我有坏消息了!即使我一直都知道绕线法会很疼,但三天过去了,我痛的要死,根本不能闭眼!我不得不把线解开看看自己是怎么回事。那个疤现在是又软又肿。在我看来,它比以前更糟了。总之,疤痕附近的皮肤都红肿了,我泪奔鸟。。。”(后来可怜的孩子被送进医院了)
<p>方法二:“Make a paste by mixing one part baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and one part 3% hydrogen peroxide. Apply directly on keloid, and reapply as necessary. ”苏打粉(或小苏打粉)与3%浓度的双氧水混合。直接抹在疙瘩疤痕上,必要时再继续涂抹。
<p>“After about a week, my scars are showing lightening. Here’s what I’m doing. I mix about half and half baking soda with peroxide to create a paste. I apply it and let it dry. That dries like powder and I dust it off. I clean the area with warm water and move on to the aspirin. The aspirin I crushed and applied a bit of water too. It’s not entirely a paste but more like liquid milk consistency. I apply that with a Q-tip on all my scars and let that dry. I do that routine every evening daily if possible. In the morning after my shower I apply this silicone gel called scarprin. I imagine even vitamin e will work because I’m just trying to ease the itching with the silicone gel. I’ll do what I can to post on a weekly basis. I did the best I could at taking photos of my back keloids and shoulder keloids. I’m curious to see the before and after pictures of one month and then two. My advise is to just keep trying and make the time.”仅仅一周,我的疤痕都变淡了。以下就是我的方法:苏打粉混双氧水成稀状。把它涂在疤上,风干。干了以后的样子就像是一层粉末,我先拍掉,再用热水清洗,然后上阿司匹林片。阿司匹林片也是捣碎加水哈。样子不太像膏状,倒像牛奶。用棉棒抹在88上,等他干。我尽可能每天都这样做。早上洗完澡以后,我会用一种叫scarprin的硅胶。每周都会用VE加硅胶止痒。我也会给自己背上和肩膀上的88照照片。现在看看一,两个月以前的照片,我都会怀疑那是不是我自己的!我的建议就是不断尝试和找时间涂88!
<p>Apply apple cider vinegar (ACV) on the keloid and let dry. Re-apply every half hour and do this for at least several hours. If ACV is too irritating, you can safely dilute it with water.将苹果醋抹在疙瘩疤痕上,让它风干。每半小时抹一次,至少持续2个小时。如果苹果醋太刺激的话,自己兑水稀释下。
<p>Marie first shared about her keloids that would get better then “return with a vengence”. Her steroid injections were not helpful and antibiotics didn’t work. Marie later kindly commented again to report that her recurring infections has stopped after using ACV twice a day. The keloid remains but there has been a “slight flattening” to it. It is also less red and itchy.Marie reported back her results after using the ACV method for about 6-7 months. The keloids on her chest are now lighter in colour and the recurring infections have ceased. Althought her keloids are not getting smaller, they are also not getting bigger. She also advised other users of the ACV method not to rub in the ACV but just pat it on and around the keloid.Update: Marie has come back with her long-term results/experience of using ACV, in that ACV has stopped working as her keloid has grown immune to it.马瑞最初说她的疙瘩疤痕时好时坏。她试过类固醇注射和抗生素,都对她没什么效果。之后,她说,自从一天抹苹果醋两次后,她反反复复的感染结束了!虽然88依旧,却感觉稍微扁平了。也不红了,也不痒了。在她使用6-7周后,她回馈说,她胸前的88颜色变浅了,感染也不再复发。尽管88不再变小,他们也没再增大过。她把这个方法介绍给其他8友了。最近,她又来反馈说,经历了这么久的尝试,苹果醋对她似乎失效了。大概是皮肤已经免疫的原因吧。
<p>Make a thick paste by crushing aspirin and mixing it with water. Apply directly on keloid, and reapply as necessary. (Sarah shared her method here, “First crush about 3 aspirin tablets into a powder. Then add only a few drops of water, until the mixture becomes a paste. 将阿司匹林片捣碎,加水混成稀膏状。直接抹在疙瘩疤痕上,必要时再继续涂抹。(使用过该种方法的sarah评论说,用三片阿司匹林片捣碎,再加几滴水就成膏了。
<p>方法五:大蒜Garlic oil or crushed garlic (use with utmost caution and wash off should you feel too much burning) 蒜油或是捣碎的大蒜,但使用一定要小心,感觉刺痛,灼烧,一定要停止使用,并用清水洗净!
<p>方法六:碘化钾Potassium Iodide is another simple remedy that may work well on keloids. Apply it over the keloid several times a day until you see some flattening. Look for SSKI (Saturated Solution Potassium Iodide) at health food stores and pharmacies. If you cannot obtain SSKI or have difficulty doing so, a weaker substitute can be found in Lugol’s Solution. Lugol’s Solution is a simple mixture of potassium iodide, iodine, and water and can be bought at most aquarium/pet fish stores. 碘化钾是一种针对疙瘩疤痕的简单有效办法。你可以一天使用好几次,直到你感觉88扁平!碘化钾饱和溶液可以在超市或药店买到,实在买不到,也可以用碘液代替。
<P>Anna tried ACV but had better luck using tea tree oil on her keloids, which are a few years old. She says, “…slowly but surely stuff is happening, it’s peeling off, the keloid cells are dying, and eventually it should fall off…”安娜用过苹果醋,她的88依旧有好多年了,但茶树油对她而言似乎效果更佳。她说:“。。尽管很慢,但可以确定有效果。88在脱皮!疙瘩疤痕的细胞坏死了,最后它完全脱落了….”</P>
<p> 这些方法倒是国内不常见了,看来国外也有很多这样的病例啊! 原来外国人也信这个 <P>其实那个苹果醋的方法倒是挺止痒的,前几天自己试过哈~~坛子里不也有田七+白醋的方法么 感觉原理还是差不多的</P>
<P>大家可以试一试啊</P> 不好意思能叫我QQ吗?这个配方我想请教你我的QQ823281617 有人用过吗?效果怎么样?期待回应一下~ 我倒想试试,有人前锋么 楼主翻译辛苦了 感谢楼主分享、 这可以治疗凹陷疤痕吗 感谢楼主的分享,请问苹果醋是超市买的还是药店买的? 楼主英文好啊,赠人玫瑰手有余香 荨麻油有谁用过没有?