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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>Lasers in Medical Science<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>© Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2009<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>10.1007/s10103-009-0710-3<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Comparison of the effects of short- and long-pulse durations when using a 585-nm pulsed dye laser in the treatment of new surgical scars <o:p></o:p></B></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left><B>Keyvan Nouri<SUP>1 <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#ContactOfAuthor1#ContactOfAuthor1" target="_blank" ><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1029 style="WIDTH: 10.5pt; HEIGHT: 7.5pt" alt="Contact Information" o:button="t" href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#ContactOfAuthor1#ContactOfAuthor1" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/contact.gif" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape></A></SUP>, Mohamed L. Elsaie<SUP>2, 3 <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#ContactOfAuthor2#ContactOfAuthor2" target="_blank" ><v:shape id=_x0000_i1030 style="WIDTH: 10.5pt; HEIGHT: 7.5pt" alt="Contact Information" o:button="t" href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#ContactOfAuthor2#ContactOfAuthor2" type="#_x0000_t75"> <v:imagedata o:href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/contact.gif" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape></A></SUP>, Voraphol Vejjabhinanta<SUP>3</SUP>, Mark Stevens<SUP>5</SUP>, Shalu S. Patel<SUP>4</SUP>, Caroline Caperton<SUP>1</SUP> and George Elgart<SUP>1</SUP><o:p></o:p></B></P>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 1475 NW 12th Ave, Suite 2175, Miami, FL 33136, USA<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><o:p> </o:p></P>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>NRC, <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Cairo</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Egypt</st1:country-region></st1:place><o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>(3) <o:p></o:p></P></TD>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">University</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Miami</st1:PlaceName>, <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Miami</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA</st1:country-region></st1:place><o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>(4) <o:p></o:p></P></TD>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>University of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Miami</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Miller</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">School</st1:PlaceType> of Medicine, <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Miami</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA</st1:country-region></st1:place><o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>(5) <o:p></o:p></P></TD>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">College</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Georgia</st1:PlaceName>, <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Augusta</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">GA</st1:State>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA</st1:country-region></st1:place><o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><v:shape id=_x0000_i1031 style="WIDTH: 10.5pt; HEIGHT: 7.5pt" alt="Contact Information" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/contact.gif" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape><o:p></o:p></P></TD>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Keyvan Nouri (Corresponding author)</B><BR><B>Email: </B><a href="mailto:knouri@med.miami.edu" target="_blank" >knouri@med.miami.edu</A><o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><v:shape id=_x0000_i1028 style="WIDTH: 10.5pt; HEIGHT: 7.5pt" alt="Contact Information" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/contact.gif" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape><o:p></o:p></P></TD>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Mohamed L. Elsaie</B><BR><B>Email: </B><a href="mailto:egydoc77@yahoo.com" target="_blank" >egydoc77@yahoo.com</A><o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left><B>Received: </B>12 June 2009<B>Accepted: </B>29 June 2009<B>Published online: </B>7 August 2009 <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Abstract</B> <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>More than 70 million surgical procedures are performed annually in the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">USA</st1:place></st1:country-region> with the majority involving a skin lesion and almost all individuals in their lifetime will have one or more surgical procedures resulting in scars. Patients and physicians alike are thereby motivated to improve the cosmetic outcome of scars. Prior studies have shown that the pulsed dye laser (PDL) is effective in improving the quality and appearance of the scar when using the 585-nm PDL immediately after the removal of sutures. Most published studies used a pulse duration of 450 µs, which along with the other study parameters, has led to an overall improvement of the scars. However, a pulse duration of 1.5 ms is also available when using the pulsed dye laser and it should theoretically cause fewer side-effects. To our knowledge, there are no other studies comparing the effectiveness of different pulse durations in the treatment of surgical scars starting on the day of suture removal. The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of different pulse durations (450 µs vs. 1.5 ms) in the treatments of postsurgical linear scars immediately after suture removal when using the 585-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL). Twenty non-hospitalized male and female patients (older than 18 years of age) with skin types I?IV and with postoperative linear scars measuring at least 2.1 cm were enrolled in this prospective study. Scars were randomly divided into three equal sections. The different fields were randomly chosen to receive treatment (two out of three fields) or remain as control (one field). The two fields chosen to be treated received treatment with the 585-nm PDL using a 7-mm spot size at 4.0 J. One of the treated sections was randomly selected to receive a pulse duration of 450 µs, and the other section to receive a 1.5-ms pulse. The remaining scar section was designated as control (no treatment). The three sections were mapped and recorded. The patient received treatment immediately after the sutures were removed from the wound and then monthly for 3 months. Evaluations were performed before each treatment and 1 month after the last treatment. The short-pulse and long-pulse 585-nm PDL-treated sections demonstrated a statistically significant overall average improvement of the VSS of 92 and 89%, respectively, compared to 67% for the control site (Fig. <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#Fig1#Fig1" target="_blank" >1</A>). Further, for individual parameters of the Vancouver scar scale (VSS), there were significant (<I>p</I> < 0.05) differences between control and treatment groups for all parameters, but there were no differences between the short- and long-pulse treatment groups for any parameter. Both short-pulse and long-pulse PDL are safe and effective in improving the quality and cosmetic appearance of surgical scars in skin type’s I?IV starting on the day of suture removal with no significant difference between the two pulse durations. <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left><B>Keywords</B>Pulsed dye laser (PDL) - Surgical scars - Keloid <o:p></o:p></P>
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=center>
<HR align=center width="100%" SIZE=2>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Introduction<o:p></o:p></B></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>More than 70 million surgical procedures are performed annually in the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">USA</st1:place></st1:country-region>, with the majority involving a skin incision [<I><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#CR1#CR1" target="_blank" >1</A></I>]. Almost all individuals in their lifetime will have one or more surgical procedures resulting in scars. Both patients and physicians seek ways to diminish the appearance of these scars, and laser treatment may provide an alternative to the current treatment options. These current methods for reducing surgical scars include surgery/grafting, dermabrasion, cryotherapy, pressure therapy, intralesional corticosteroids, interferon, imiquimod, and intralesional 5-fluorouracil. Lasers such as the CO<SUB>2</SUB> laser, argon laser, Nd:YAG laser, non-ablative lasers, and the pulsed dye laser (PDL) have been proven effective in improving the cosmetic appearance of keloids and hypertrophic scars. <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Treatment with the PDL is non-invasive, painless, and requires no anesthesia. The PDL works via selective photothermolysis that targets blood vessels with minimal collateral damage. The energy from the PDL is preferentially absorbed by hemoglobin to cause local thermal injury, which is limited by the short pulse duration. Thrombosis, vasculitis, and gradual repair follow. Although the exact mechanism by which the PDL affects scarring is unknown, it is thought that microvascular destruction leads to ischemia, which may affect collagen or collagenase release, or which may deprive a scar of nutrients to prevent scar hypertrophy. Additionally, the increase in mast cells observed after PDL treatment provides histamine that stimulates normal and keloid fibroblast growth and has both positive and negative effects on collagen synthesis. <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Various prior studies have evaluated the PDL and have shown that it is effective in improving the vascularity, color, height, texture, and pliability of scars [<I><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#CR2#CR2" target="_blank" >2</A></I>?<I><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#CR4#CR4" target="_blank" >4</A></I>]. Manuskiatti et al. treated ten keloidal or hypertrophic median sternotomy scars with the 585-nm PDL (450 µs [<I><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#CR5#CR5" target="_blank" >5</A></I>]. The scars were divided into three segments and randomly treated with fluences of 3, 5, or 7 J/cm<SUP>2</SUP>. After PDL treatment, they found evident improvement in the factors listed above, but did not find a significant difference in the outcome of the different fluences. However, they did not find a trend of better results with the lower fluence, and suggested that multiple sessions may be needed for a greater response. McGraw et al. showed the benefit of early PDL use on surgical scars in an uncontrolled study [<I><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#CR6#CR6" target="_blank" >6</A></I>]. They demonstrated improved quality of the scars (especially color), and a decreased rate of hypertrophic scarring when treated with the 585-nm PDL within the first 2 weeks after surgery. A previous study by Nouri et al. treated 12 postoperative linear scars with the PDL immediately following suture removal [<I><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#CR7#CR7" target="_blank" >7</A></I>]. The scars were divided into two equal sections, one for the 585-nm PDL treatment (10-mm spot size and 3.5 J/cm<SUP>2</SUP>) and the other for control (no treatment). The treated halves scored better in cosmetic appearance using the cosmetic visual analog scale (CVAS) and in all scar parameters using the <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Vancouver</st1:place></st1:City> scar scale (VSS). A final scar analysis by a blinded examiner revealed a significant difference between treated and untreated sites. In a subsequent study, Nouri et al. also compared the effectiveness of the 585-nm PDL vs. the 595-nm PDL for the treatment of new surgical scars [<I><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#CR8#CR8" target="_blank" >8</A></I>]. A total of 19 scars were randomly divided into three equal sections. The first and third sections were randomized into treatment with either 585-nm or 595-nm PDL, and the middle section of each scar was designated as the control. After evaluating the scars using the VSS and the CVAS, it was found that the 585-nm and 595-nm treated sections demonstrated an overall average improvement of 67- and 55%, respectively, compared to 32% for the control side. There was a statistically significant difference between the treated sites and the control site, but there was no significant difference between the two treated sites (<I>p</I> > 0.05). <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>To our knowledge, there are no other studies comparing the effectiveness of different pulse durations in the treatment of surgical scars starting on suture removal day. Most published studies use a short-pulse duration of 450 µs, which along with the other study parameters, have led to an overall improvement of the scars. However, a long-pulse duration of 1.5 ms is also available when using the PDL, and it should theoretically cause less side-effects. The objective of this study is to document the effect of short- and long-pulse durations when using the 585-nm PDL and to see if one is better or both are equally effective in improving scarring conditions and outcomes. <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>The 585-nm pulsed dye laser has been shown to clinically improve erythematous and hypertrophic scars by 57?83% after one to two treatments in patients with a 2-year scar history. Also, this laser improved >1-year-old non-erythematous, minimally hypertrophic scars when used in combination with a CO<SUB>2</SUB> laser [<I><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#CR2#CR2" target="_blank" >2</A></I>]. <o:p></o:p></P>
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=center>
<HR align=center width="100%" SIZE=2>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Material and methods<o:p></o:p></B></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Twenty non-hospitalized male and female patients (older than 18 years of age) with skin types I?IV and with postoperative linear scars measuring at least 2.1 cm were enrolled in this prospective study. Exclusion criteria were that the patient should not be receiving any additional systemic, topical, or intralesional treatment of the scars during the study. <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Each scar was divided into three equal sections and randomly assigned to receive treatment (two out of three sections) or remain as control (one section). One treatment section received the short-pulse (450-µs) 585-nm PDL using a 7-mm spot size at 4.0 J/cm<SUP>2</SUP>. The other treated section received the long-pulse (1.5-ms) 585-nm PDL using the same settings. The remaining scar section was designated as control (no treatment). The three sections were mapped and recorded. <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Each patient received treatment immediately after the sutures were removed from the wound, and then monthly for three total sessions. Evaluations were performed before each treatment, at 1 month after the last treatment, and 6 months after the first treatment. Each scar was measured and recorded. Measurements and photographs were taken at each visit. <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>A blinded examiner then performed the final analysis by comparing pictures as well as evaluating the patient’s scar. The scars were evaluated using the VSS and CVAS. In order to compare histological changes achieved with treatment, biopsies of each third of the scar were performed in five randomly chosen patients. The VSS is a tool used to evaluate scars based on pigmentation, vascularity, pliability, and height (Table <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#Tab1#Tab1" target="_blank" >1</A>). The CVAS is a tool used by both a blinded observer and the patient to evaluate the cosmetic appearance of all three sections of the scar from a range of zero to ten. Statistical analysis of the data was achieved using McNemar’s test to determine the improvements based on the VSS (pigmentation, vascularity, pliability, and height) score of the scars in each of the three groups. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also used to assess the effect of treatment for the CVAS. <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Table 1 </B><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Vancouver</st1:place></st1:City> scar scale <o:p></o:p></P>
<TABLE class=MsoNormalTable style="mso-cellspacing: 1.5pt" cellPadding=0 border=1>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 0; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" rowSpan=3>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Pigmentation<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>0<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Normal color (close to normal skin)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 1">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>1<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Hypopigmentation<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 2">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>2<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Hyperpigmentation<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 3">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" rowSpan=4>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Vascularity<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>0<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Normal color (close to normal skin)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 4">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>1<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Pink (slight increase in local blood supply)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 5">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>2<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Red (significant increase in local blood supply)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 6">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>3<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Purple (excessive increase in local blood supply)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 7">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" rowSpan=6>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Pliability<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>0<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Normal</st1:place></st1:City> (normal pliability)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 8">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>1<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Supple, flexible with minimal resistance)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 9">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>2<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Yielding (giving way to pressure, offering moderate resistance but does not behave as a solid mass of scar)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 10">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>3<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Firm (solid, inflexible unit, not easily moved, resistant to manual pressure)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 11">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>4<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Banding (rope-like tissue that blanches with extension of scar, does not limit ROM)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 12">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>5<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Contracture (permanent shortening of the scar producing deformity or distortion, limits ROM)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 13">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" rowSpan=4>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>Height<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>0<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Normal</st1:place></st1:City> (flat)<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 14">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>1<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left><2 mm<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 15">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>2<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left><5 mm<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR>
<TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 16; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>3<o:p></o:p></P></TD>
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-TOP: #f4f4f4; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #f4f4f4; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f4f4f4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto" align=left>>5 mm<o:p></o:p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
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<HR align=center width="100%" SIZE=2>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Results<o:p></o:p></B></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>One month after the last treatment, final scar analysis revealed a significant difference between treated and untreated sites favoring the treated sites. The short-pulse and long-pulse 585-nm PDL-treated sections demonstrated a statistically significant overall average improvement of the VSS of 92 and 89%, respectively, compared to 67% for the control site (Fig. <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#Fig1#Fig1" target="_blank" >1</A>). Further, for individual parameters of the VSS, there were significant (<I>p</I> < 0.05) differences between control and treatment groups for all parameters, but there were no statistically significant differences between the short- and long-pulse treatment groups for any parameter (Fig. <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#Fig2#Fig2" target="_blank" >2</A>). <o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Fig. 1 </B>Average percent improvement as measured by the <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Vancouver</st1:place></st1:City> scar scale (VSS) <o:p></o:p></P>
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center>
<HR align=center width="100%" SIZE=2>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><B>Fig. 2 </B>Average percent improvement of individual VSS parameters <o:p></o:p></P>
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center>
<HR align=center width="100%" SIZE=2>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>For overall cosmetic appearance, there were no baseline differences at visit #1 in between groups. At visits #2?4, both short- and long-pulse treatment groups showed a significant difference from the control. There were no significant differences between the two treatment groups (Figs. <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#Fig3#Fig3" target="_blank" >3</A> and <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#Fig4#Fig4" target="_blank" >4</A>). Photographs taken at the first and last visit are compared in Figs. <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#Fig5#Fig5" target="_blank" >5</A> and <a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p/fulltext.html#Fig6#Fig6" target="_blank" >6</A>. </P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left> </P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left> </P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left><o:p></o:p> </P>
<DIV class=Capt lang=en>Fig. 3 Mean cosmetic visual analog scale (CVAS) results </DIV>
<DIV class=Capt lang=en>Fig. 4 Post-treatment cosmetic visual analog scale (CVAS) </DIV>
<DIV class=Capt lang=en>Fig. 5 Photographs from the first and last visit of five random patients </DIV>
<DIV class=Capt lang=en>Fig. 6 Photographs from the first and last visit of five random patients </DIV>
<DIV class=normal>
<DIV class=heading2>Discussion</DIV>
<P class=normal>Keloids and hypertrophic scars are sequelae of abnormal wound-healing process. They are a common reason for dermatologic consultation. A multitude of signaling molecules, including growth factors , mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), regulate this complex process of scar development on the molecular level [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR9" target="_blank" >9</A></CITE>]. The effector molecules that link these regulatory signals and the various phases of wound healing are incompletely understood, although it is known that a derailment in this complex wound-healing process contributes to hypertrophic scars and keloid formation [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR10" target="_blank" >10</A></CITE>]. </P>
<P class=normal>Hypertrophic scars are typically raised, red or pink, and sometimes pruritic, but do not exceed the margins of the original wound, whereas keloids infiltrate into surrounding normal tissue and rarely regress. Hypertrophic scars usually subside with time, whereas keloids continue to evolve over time, without a quiescent or regressive phase. The choice of an appropriate laser for treatment is influenced by a number of factors such as the fluence, spot size, scar location and duration [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR11" target="_blank" >11</A></CITE>]. </P>
<P class=normal>The pulsed dye laser has become the popular treatment for remodeling post-operative scars. Both types of scars are abnormal wound responses in predisposed individuals and represent a connective tissue response to trauma, inflammation, surgery, or burns [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR12" target="_blank" >12</A></CITE>]. The first challenge to scar therapy begins with the simple identification and diagnosis of the problematic abnormal wound healing [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR13" target="_blank" >13</A></CITE>]. </P>
<P class=normal>During the mid-1980s, the introduction of the theory of Selective Photothermolysis by Anderson and Parrish, led to the birth of the pulsed dye laser. Pulsed dye lasers are unique in that they can deliver very high peak powers of energy over short periods of time. These high peak power pulses cause a selective thermal injury to targeted structures in the skin with minimal collateral injury to surrounding tissue. The first commercialized pulsed dye laser was designed to deliver 450-µs pulses at a wavelength of 585 nm. This parameter set was the closest technical specification to the ideal parameters per Anderson and Parrish’s description of Selective Photothermolysis. The trend for scar treatment had always been towards the 585-nm wavelength and the short duration at 450 µs. </P>
<P class=normal>The PDL is considered to be the standard treatment of vascular lesions, such as port wine stains, initial hemangiomas, and facial telangiectasias. Additionally, this laser type is often successfully used for non-vascular indications, such as keloids or hypertrophic scars [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR14" target="_blank" >14</A></CITE>]. Currently, the PDL wavelengths of 585 and 595 nm are most frequently used for therapeutic purposes. Alster reported an average improvement of 57% after the first treatment and 83% after the second treatment with PDL for hypertrophic surgical and traumatic scars. In addition to a reduction in erythema, flattening, a clear reduction in itching and pain, and optimization of the skin texture have been observed [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR15" target="_blank" >15</A></CITE>]. The entire scar in each patient was exposed to PDL at a wavelength of 585 nm, a pulse duration of 0.45 ms, and a fluence of 6.5 to 7.25 J/cm<SUP>2</SUP>. Recent biochemical studies suggest that 585-nm PDL treatment alters signaling pathways to favor collagen degradation and fibroblast apoptosis [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR16" target="_blank" >16</A></CITE>]. In contrast to the above-cited results, Chan and colleagues failed to show any clinical improvement using PDL for hypertrophic scars. In 27 hypertrophic scars, one side of each of which was treated (585 nm, 7?8 J/cm<SUP>2</SUP>, 2.5 ms, 5 mm), the authors documented no superiority of the treated half after three to six treatments regarding thickness and elasticity, although pain and touch sensitivity were far better on the treated side [<CITE><a href="http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/t33422438754114p//fulltext.html#CR17" target="_blank" >17</A></CITE>]. Currently, there is no consensus on the mechanism by which the PDL achieves such clinical outcome. Hypotheses have included selective destruction of microvasculature and regulation cellular activity, such as inhibition of growth factors TGF- β and PDGF, and stimulation of MMP and IL-6 for matrix degradation. The short duration at 450 μs may more selectively eliminate the small vascular supply of the scar. The long duration at 1.5 ms may generate heat more slowly and results in less side-effects. Both short-pulse and long-pulse 585-nm PDL resulted in scar improvement, but there was no difference between the two pulse durations. </P></DIV>
<DIV class=normal>
<DIV class=heading2>Conclusions</DIV>
<P class=normal>The PDL is safe and effective in improving the quality and cosmetic appearance of surgical scars in skin types I?IV starting on the day of suture removal. Both short- and long-pulse 585-nm PDL resulted in scar improvement, but there was no difference between the two pulse durations. Laser therapy for improvement in the parameters of postoperative scarring continues to merit further studies to refine the laser settings that will lead to the best cosmetic outcome in patients. Both short-pulse and long-pulse PDL are safe and effective in improving the quality and cosmetic appearance of surgical scars in skin types I?IV starting on the day of suture removal with no significant difference between the two pulse durations </P></DIV>
<DIV class=Acknowledgments>AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the Hugoton Foundation for their grant and support of this project.</DIV>
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<TR vA <P>这是从国外的学术期刊中获得的资料,从现在看来,疤痕是无法完全消除的,但是可以治疗到最佳的状态。。。。</P>
<P>有一张图没发上来。。。因为每天只可以发5张。。。。</P> <P>有能力的还是翻译一下吧....</P> <P>讲的是镭射,也就是现在的点阵激光之类的吧。</P>
<P>针对的也是新疤痕</P> 还是激光,希望有用! 原文<BR> <BR> 的影响比较短的时间??而long-pulse当使用一个585-nm脉冲染料激光治疗新的手术疤痕<BR> <BR> 穆罕默德?l . Elsaie2 Nouri1,Keyvan、3、Voraphol Vejjabhinanta3,马克Stevens5临近夏鲁寺s . Patel4,卡罗琳,Elgart1 Caperton1和乔治<BR>(1)<BR> 部门与皮肤的手术后,皮肤病学迈阿密。米勒大学医学院,滇西北、套房12大街1475 2175 33136,佛罗里达州迈阿密,美国<BR> (2)<BR> 埃及,开罗描述,<BR> (3)<BR> 迈阿密大学,迈阿密,美国<BR> (4)<BR> 迈阿密。米勒大学医学院,迈阿密,美国<BR> (5)<BR> 口腔颌面外科部门,医学院的乔治亚州,奥古斯塔、遗传算法、美国等国家<BR> Keyvan努里?卡迈勒?(通讯作者)<BR> 电子邮件:knouri@med。<BR> 2009年6月12日收到:接受:6月29日2009年8月7日发表在线:2009年<BR> <BR> 文摘<BR> <BR> 外科手术70多万,每年在美国进行的大部分事故是一个皮肤损害,几乎所有的个体,在他们的一生中会有一个或多个手术导致的伤疤。病人和医生都是有动力去提高从而化妆品的结果的伤疤。在此之前的研究表明,脉冲激光的客运专线)是有效的(提高质量).据我们所知,还没有其他的研究比较不同脉冲时间的有效性的外科疤痕治疗开始前的最后一天缝合去除。本研究的目的在于比较不同时间的影响(450μs脉冲和1.5 ms)在治疗上的postsurgical缝合后立即移除线性疤痕当使用的585-nm脉冲染料激光器(客运专线)。20 non-hospitalized男性和女性患者(年龄大于18岁)与皮肤类型I-IV而用.疤痕患者随机分为三等分。不同的领域中随机挑选的接收治疗(三分之二的领域)或继续作为控制(一场)。上述两个领域的公司被选为585-nm接受过治疗的治疗使用7-mm斑大小的客运专线在4.0 j .的一个部分是治疗随机选取一个脉冲持续时间来接受,共450μs,另一部分人能得到一1.5-ms脉搏。剩下的疤节被指定为控制(没有治疗)。3个部分被映射和记录。病人接受治疗后,立即被清除出缝合伤口,然后每月为3个月。每一种治疗方式的评价进行了较深入的研究和1个月前最后一次治疗后。short-pulse 585-nm PDL-treated和long-pulse的部分展示了一个统计上的显著性总体平均的改进和89%的92 VSS分别比为控制工地67%(图1)。进一步的,因为个别参数的温哥华疤痕规模(VSS),有显著差异(p < 0.05),治疗组之间的所有控制参数,但没有差异,治疗组long-pulse短,对于任何参数。short-pulse和long-pulse都是安全、有效的客运专线在提高服务质量、外观的手术疤痕的皮肤类型出发了,一天的I-IV缝合切除无显著差异,而这两个人之间的脉搏<BR>.<BR><BR><BR> 介绍<BR> <BR> 外科手术70多万,每年在美国进行,多数是涉及一种皮肤切口。几乎所有的个人,在他们的一生中会有一个或多个手术导致的伤疤。病人和医生都寻求减少这些伤疤的外形和激光治疗可能会提供另一个当前的治疗方案。这些电流方法为减少手术疤痕包括手术/嫁接,dermabrasion,冷冻治疗,<BR>治疗的客运专线是非侵入性的,免费,并且不需要麻醉。经选择性photothermolysis客运专线的工程目标血管与最小的附加的伤害。从客运专线的能量吸收是优先血红蛋白引起局部热损伤,这是有限的,由短脉冲持续时间。血栓形成、血管和渐进的修理跟随。虽然确切的机制,通过这种机制的客运专线是未知的,影响瘢痕微血管破坏被认为是导致局部缺血,可能影响胶原蛋白或胶原酶释放或可能剥夺了伤疤的营养,以防止疤痕肥厚。此外,增加治疗后症状的客运专线肥大细胞提供刺激正常和蟹足肿组胺和成纤维细胞生长有正面和负面的影响胶原蛋白的合成<BR>.先前的研究评价了各种各样的客运专线,表明这是有效提高vascularity、颜色、身高,质地,和柔软度的伤疤。Manuskiatti等十keloidal高庆宇治疗或肥厚性疤痕与585-nm中显现的客运专线(450μs。疤痕的被分成三个环节和随机治疗的fluences 3、5、或7 J /平方厘米。<BR>治疗后,他们发现明显的客运专线改善上述因素,但没有找到一个显著差异,而在不同的fluences的结果。然而,他们没有找到一个趋势与较低的能量密度更好的结果,表明每个会话可能需要更大的反应。<BR>麦克格劳等早期的利益高庆宇显示在外科手术的疤痕的客运专线使用不受控制的研究。他们举行示威质量得以改善的疤痕(特别是颜色),和降低了肥厚性瘢痕形成率目标值时585-nm治疗的头两周内手术后。此前的一项研究由努里?卡迈勒?苏达权等治疗术后线性伤疤的12去除后立即进行缝合的客运专线。<BR>疤痕的被分成二等分,一个是为585-nm治疗(10-mm斑大小的客运专线和3.5 J /平方厘米),另一个用于控制(没有治疗)。在处理过的半场得分较高,外观使用化妆品直观类比标度(CVAS),和在所有疤痕参数选用温哥华疤痕量表(VSS)。<BR>最后分析了由单盲的伤疤考官透露有显著区别对待以及未经处理的地点。在后续的研究中,努里?卡迈勒?苏达权等的有效性也进行了比较与585-nm的客运专线。客运专线的595-nm治疗新的手术疤痕。<BR> <P>实在太多了,太多高级词汇。等有时间再来,我去上课了</P>