本帖最后由 慧儿 于 2012-5-3 13:04 编辑
http://www.merz.com/health/dermatology/scars/contractubex_scars/index.jsp 这是康瑞保的介绍 http://www.merz.com/contact/index.jsp 这里可以给康瑞保的厂家发问题咨询。 以下是Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH关于康瑞保Contractubex®与凹陷疤痕的回复: ******************* Thank you for your interest in our product Contractubex®.
With regards to using Contractubex on atrophic scars (which are below the skin, i.e. concave), we can give you the following information:
Contractubex mode of action includes inhibition of excess cell proliferation, i.e. inhibition of excess tissue formation, which contributes to the hypertrophic (convex) scar. It will not have an effect on normal skin or atrophic scars, i.e. there is no indication that it will make the sunken scar even worse, or otherwise affect healthy skin in a negative way.
However, it will also not have a “lifting” effect on the sunken skin. It has been shown to improve scar pigmentation, and in this way may help to make atrophic scars less visible, if the scar shows red pigmentation.
Nevertheless, Contractubex is indicated for hypertrophic and keloidal scars, and should only be used for other scars after consultation with a physician.
I hope this information was useful to you.
Yours sincerely,
Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH
Eckenheimer Landstraße 100
60318 Frankfurt
Phone +49 (0)69 1503 1799
Fax +49 (0)69 1503 406